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Feature Update: Dark Mode, cool!

Peter Atwood, 15 Feb 2023

Agent now has dark mode.

While not the most ground-breaking update, it certainly was requested—and it was fun to work on.

Mobile friendly

Agent is designed to be mobile friendly, and one of the best things about touch-based phones and tablets is the simple user interfaces they allow.

Without the mouse, you interact directly with the app. You poke things, you pull, squeeze, and swipe them. There is less need for menus, checkboxes, and other cruft.

Agent embraces this. Using Agent is designed to be as simple and as obvious as possible. We want to give you powerful features, but in an address book that you already know how to use.


Wherever possible Agent uses icons* to convey information without text and that do natural and obvious things when you tap them.

To make this work, we’ve paid attention to colors and shades so that it’s always clear what’s disabled, enabled, or in use.

More than a color switch

Dark mode had to work just as well as light mode, but simply inverting all the colors—black for white, light blue for dark blue—wouldn’t do it.

Working through the subtleties of this forced me to think more carefully about Agent’s UI. In fact, it made me realize what I was doing with color and why. As a result, the whole interface—both light mode and dark mode—is improved.

Have a look at dark mode in the Agent demo.

Our demo let’s you try all of Agent’s features in a fully functioning account.

You know what else was fun?

There’s an unspoken rule about dark mode:

It has to look cool!
I think we got it.

If you have comments or questions, let me know at And if you think Agent might be useful, feel free to request a beta account.

* Agent uses a great icon library for a cohesive visual “language”. Thank you Font Awesome!