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Feature Update: Group Actions

Peter Atwood, 21 Apr 2023

How many times have you sent an email or hung up a call, crossed off that To-Do, only to realize you need to talk to that same person again about something else?

Agent lets you keep these reminders right in your address book, where you’ll see them whenever you contact someone. It’s called the Agenda field.

Now with group actions, you can update agendas for a group of contacts instead of one at a time.

The Info Bar

In Agent, you can filter your contacts by:

Agent’s new Info Bar gives you details about the search result.

Actions Menu

When you tap or click the Info Bar, an Actions menu lets you update that list of contacts all at once. You can add one or more agenda items to them all or clear all their agenda items.

You can also use the Actions menu to manage your tags or to easily delete a group of contacts.

Track Your Outreach

Use the Actions menu with your Outreach Stages to stay up-to-date with who you need to talk to about what.

For example, find all your clients who need a presentation and add a note to their agendas.

At the start of your day, when you filter for only contacts that have agendas—i.e. your “call list”—those clients are included and you know they need to get the presentation.

Or use the Meeting History button to see who you talked with last week and clear your agendas for them all.

Focus on agendas

We have more planned for the Action menu, but we started with Agendas for a reason.

Keeping lists of items you want to discuss, an “agenda”, for the people in your work and personal life is a great way to improve your To-Do lists. Putting message tasks—“Remind Anthony to follow-up on the project,” “Ask Angela for an update”—directly into your contact info:

Give it a try.

The Agent demo is a fully functioning account that let’s you try all of Agent’s features.

Create your own Outreach Groups and Stages, then play around with the Action menu to update their agenda items.

A Smart Address Book

Agent aims to be the address book that knows who you need to contact about what. Group actions give you a new way to easily store and update this helpful data.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me at And if you think Agent might be useful, ask me for a beta account.