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Feature Update: Custom Selections

Peter Atwood, 28 Sep 2023

Group Actions are now more flexible and powerful.

Before, when you searched or filtered your contacts, Group Actions applied to everyone in the results. Now, you can pick and choose specific contacts.

Here’s how it works.

At the top of your contact list, the Info Bar summarizes who you are currently viewing: just people for whom you have items to discuss, for example, or just the contacts you met with last week.

Tap the Info Bar to start a selection.

Next, tap the contacts you want to include (tap a contact again to deselect it).

When you’re ready, choose a Group Action—New agenda items, Clear tags, Group email, Delete, etc. It will apply only to the contacts you have selected, rather than to all the contacts in the current search results.

People are individuals

Agent’s Quick Search, tags, and unique filters create dynamic groups that let you update or message a list of people quickly and easily.

But inevitably there are exceptions.

Imagine you want to touch base with all your clients at the beginning of the quarter. With Agent’s Outreach feature you filter your contacts for just clients with active projects. But Rodriguez just called you last week, and you chatted with Kaye at a workshop recently. And oh yes, Yifan is on leave for the next two weeks.

With custom selections, you can select everyone but these and send a targeted, relevant email. (And you log it in your meeting histories so you know where you’re at with everyone.)

Keeping it clean

One reason we don’t use our address books as the powerful communications hub they might be is that, like an unused storeroom full of junk, they are cluttered with irrelevant, outdated items.

Custom selections combined with Quick Search can get you organized again.

For example, search for the email domain of your previous job, “” Then select all the irrelevant contacts: tech support, payroll advisor, team-building event committee, etc. Delete!

A living, relevant address book

As you use Agent—logging meetings and phone calls, updating your discussion items for people—the important, relevant contacts get updated. With Agent you can periodically sort your address book by “Last updated” and all the chaff will fall to the bottom—easy to scroll through, clean up, and delete.

Give it a try.

The Agent demo is a fully functioning account that lets you try all of Agent’s features.

Create a custom selection, then explore Group Actions to update their agenda items, change their tags, or delete them.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me at And if you think Agent might be useful, ask me for a beta account.